Streamlining project initiation with the Pharma Brief Assistant

Discover how Hedgehox's innovative GPT virtual assistant transforms project brief creation, offering a dynamic and evolving tool for account managers to expedite project initiation in digital marketing.

Pharma Brief Assistant

The rise of AI-driven solutions is revolutionizing the way pharmaceutical marketing teams operate. At the forefront of this transformation is Hedgehox's latest innovation - a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) configured as an account manager's virtual assistant. This cutting-edge tool is designed to streamline the creation of project briefs for commonly built digital products like websites, banners, and emails. The GPT virtual assistant is equipped with a carefully curated set of questions for each product type, enabling it to generate detailed and comprehensive project briefs. As an organic system, it continuously evolves, incorporating additional questions and intelligence to enhance its capabilities. This tool represents a significant leap in efficiency, allowing account managers to rapidly initiate projects, thus saving valuable time and resources.

Below, you'll find a conversation between Hedgehox founder, Carm Hodzic, and the GPT, showcasing its proficiency in generating a project brief. You'll notice the responses to the GPT are intentionally concise and brief, yet the virtual assistant's output is remarkably detailed and thorough. This interaction highlights the GPT's ability to understand and interpret minimal input, transforming it into a full-fledged brief suitable for a site build. The conversation serves as a testament to the virtual assistant's advanced understanding and its potential to significantly streamline the project initiation process in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

Carm Hodzic
Can you help me write a project brief for a pharmaceutical website?
Pharma Virtual Assistant
Absolutely, I can help with that. What are the primary goals and objectives for this website? What specific problem or need is the website intended to address? (e.g., increase signups, brand awareness, view MOA video?)
Carm Hodzic
increase requests for more information and increase brand awareness
Pharma Virtual Assistant
Great. How will the success of the site be measured? Are there any specific targets or metrics (like traffic, engagement, conversion rates) that the site aims to achieve?
Carm Hodzic
request form completions and increase the number of downloads from the resource page
Pharma Virtual Assistant
Understood. What are the short-term and long-term expectations for the website’s performance?
Carm Hodzic
short term goal is to gather data and improve the metrics mentioned above. long term goals is to achieve a 5% conversion rate for all traffic (conversions measured by request form completions) and improve the download requests by 100%.
Pharma Virtual Assistant
Is the audience healthcare professionals or patients?
Carm Hodzic
healthcare professionals
Pharma Virtual Assistant
What is the age range and gender distribution of these healthcare professionals? (e.g., leaning towards males, majority females, etc.)
Carm Hodzic
40-65 years of age, 60% male
Pharma Virtual Assistant
What are their online habits? (e.g., do they have the patience for long-form storytelling? Do they react well to infographics, charts, and graphs? etc.)
Carm Hodzic
they do not have patience for long-form storytelling, they react well to graphs and charts, are very data-driven
Pharma Virtual Assistant
How do they typically engage with websites (e.g., mostly on desktops, or mostly on their mobile devices, and so on)?
Carm Hodzic
mostly on desktops
Pharma Virtual Assistant
When are they most likely to visit the website? (time of day, days of the week)?
Carm Hodzic
lunchtime, weekdays
Pharma Virtual Assistant
How long do they typically spend on similar websites?
Carm Hodzic
5 minutes
Pharma Virtual Assistant
What are the features and functionalities required for this build? (e.g., contact form, registration form, pharmacy or physician locator)
Carm Hodzic
a request form will process and capture data using PharmaAcme's API. There will also be two interstitials. One that is session based which appears on the first entry page of the user's experience. If the user confirms that they are an HCP, then they are granted access to the site. If not, they are sent to the patient website. The other interstitial notifies the user that they are leaving the site if they click a link that takes them to an external site. the site will also display videos hosted on vimeo. client will own the vimeo account and grand us access to allow us to upload videos.
Pharma Virtual Assistant
List all of the environments and whose responsibility it is to create and manage them.
Carm Hodzic
dev = development environment for the teams to share progress

staging = for routing and presentation purposes

qa = final stage prior to release. this environment is thoroughly tested by all parties. client will approve this environment prior to it being released

production = the live environment.
Pharma Virtual Assistant
Is SEO important? (yes, no, somewhat)
Carm Hodzic
yes, very.
Pharma Virtual Assistant
What are the primary SEO goals for the website (e.g., increasing organic traffic, improving keyword rankings, enhancing local SEO)?
Carm Hodzic
increase organic traffic
Pharma Virtual Assistant
What keywords or search terms are most relevant to the business and target audience?
Carm Hodzic
hypothyroidism, thyroid, thyroxine
Pharma Virtual Assistant
Are there any learnings from competitors' SEO successes or failures?
Carm Hodzic
Pharma Virtual Assistant
Is there anything more that you would like to add to the brief?
Carm Hodzic
the environments mentioned above will be owned by the client IT team. their policy is to only release code to production on tuesdays and thursdays.
Pharma Virtual Assistant
Thank you for the information. I will now provide a summary of your project brief.

The following is the actual project brief generated by the GPT virtual assistant, a culmination of our streamlined interaction. This brief stands as a testament to the advanced capabilities of the AI-driven tool, demonstrating how it effectively translates concise inputs into a detailed and actionable plan for a website build. The document you'll see encompasses all the critical elements required for a comprehensive project brief, including objectives, scope, design considerations, and technical requirements. It's a clear illustration of how AI can not only match but potentially surpass traditional methods in efficiency and thoroughness, providing a solid foundation for the project's development phase.

Project Overview:

This website is strategically designed to serve two core objectives: to significantly increase requests for more information and to elevate brand awareness among healthcare professionals. The target demographic is predominantly male (60%) within the age range of 40-65 years. In the short term, the focus is on gathering insightful data and enhancing key metrics, particularly regarding request form completions and the number of downloads from the resource page. For long-term goals, the ambition is to achieve a notable 5% conversion rate for overall site traffic, with conversions specifically tracked through form completions. Additionally, there is a target to double the download requests from the current baseline, setting a significant growth trajectory for user engagement.

Target Audience:

The website's primary audience comprises healthcare professionals, a group that demonstrates specific online behaviors and preferences. They are data-oriented, favoring concise information and responding positively to visual data representations like graphs and charts. Their limited patience for long-form content dictates a need for succinct, impactful communication. This demographic predominantly accesses content via desktops, mainly during their lunch breaks on weekdays. Their engagement with similar websites typically lasts about 5 minutes, indicating the necessity for immediate content engagement and efficient information delivery.

Design Requirements:

The website’s design is tailored to its sophisticated audience, with a focus on utility and data-driven content. Essential features include a request form that will interface with PharmaAcme's API, ensuring seamless data processing and capture. Two critical interstitials will be implemented: a session-based entry page pop-up, verifying the user as an HCP and granting site access accordingly, and a second interstitial to alert users when they are being redirected to an external site. The site will also host videos via a Vimeo account managed by the client, necessitating secure and efficient access for content uploads.

Technical Requirements:

The project encompasses four distinct environments, each serving a pivotal role in the website's development and launch. The development environment is a collaborative space for the team to share progress and iterate designs. The staging environment serves as a platform for routing and presentation purposes, where initial versions are refined. The QA (Quality Assurance) environment is the final stage before release, undergoing rigorous testing by all parties involved, with the client providing approval before deployment. Lastly, the production environment is the live, customer-facing website. Notably, the client's IT team owns and manages these environments, adhering to a policy of releasing code to production only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, thereby dictating the schedule for updates and new feature rollouts.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial element of this project, with a focused goal of increasing organic traffic. Keywords central to the business and its target audience, such as "hypothyroidism," "thyroid," and "thyroxine," have been identified as critical for optimizing search engine visibility. The absence of specific insights from competitors’ SEO strategies presents a unique opportunity to pioneer innovative tactics in this space, potentially setting new standards for industry-specific SEO practices.

It's important to acknowledge that while the project brief generated by Hedgehox's AI-driven GPT virtual assistant is comprehensive and detailed, it is not one-size-fits-all solution. This tool, designed to be an account manager's virtual assistant, excels in asking pertinent questions that might sometimes be overlooked in the rush of project initiation. However, we recognize that the brief, as thorough as it is, may still require adjustments to perfectly align with specific project needs. This should be seen more as a foundation to initiate a project brief rather than the finalized version of a brief.

This virtual assistant embodies best practices in project brief creation, providing account managers with a significant head start. But it's essential to remember that every marketing team has its unique approach to crafting briefs. In an ideal scenario, each team would benefit from a GPT tool tailor-made to fit their distinct brief structures and specific requirements.

If your team is seeking a more customized solution, we invite you to explore our custom software offerings. We're dedicated to adapting our technology to meet the unique challenges and preferences of different marketing teams. Reach out to us for more information about our custom software solutions, or to start a conversation about how we can help tailor a GPT to your team's needs.

Pharma Brief Assistant

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