Crafting effective marketing emails

February 5, 2024 · minute read

There's a common misconception about the role of emails in a user journey. Some believe that emails should consist of enough content to encompass the entire journey — from storytelling to the final experience and payoff. However, this perspective is rather limiting and can often lead to underwhelming results. Instead of viewing an email as the start and final leg of the journey, it's more effective to see it as only the beginning — a gateway that initiates the user's journey. This approach sets the stage to lead users to a more engaging environment beyond the confines of the email itself, such as a website or a companion landing page.

This shift in perspective not only enhances the overall user experience but also allows marketers to measure engagement more effectively. By guiding users from the email to additional interactive platforms, marketers can tell a more complete and compelling story. This approach transforms emails from end points into powerful tools for beginning a deeper and more meaningful engagement with the audience.

Let's dive a little deeper into the anatomy of a marketing email.

The anatomy of an effective marketing email

When crafting a marketing email, it's helpful to think of it in terms of key elements, each serving a distinct purpose in guiding the user along their journey.

1 The hero

The hero section of your email serves as the pivotal point of engagement. This central element, which is the first thing a recipient encounters within the email, is typically composed of three key components: the headline, imagery, and the call-to-action (CTA).

  • The Headline: This is a concise and impactful line of copy with the sole purpose of addressing the crucial question: "Why should I care?" Given that most recipients haven't actively sought out the email, the headline must be clear, engaging, and immediately grab attention. Don't make the user think. Don't waste their time. Use this block of content as your megaphone to clearly convey the singular purpose of this email.
  • The Hero Image: Accompanying the headline is an image that visually reinforces the message. The imagery should not only be appealing but also work in tandem with the headline to answer the "Why should I care?" question. A well-chosen image can evoke emotions or interest, complementing the written message and enhancing the overall impact of the hero section.
  • The CTA: Finally, the CTA is a clearly designed button with straightforward language, guiding the recipient on what to expect upon clicking. The CTA should stand out and be easy to find, encouraging the user to seek more information. At this point, the hope is that the headline has answered the question "Why should I care?" and now the user is enticed to continue this journey.

2 The companion

Following the hero is the companion message. This section builds on the initial impact of the hero, providing more details and context. If a reader has reached this point of your email, it indicates a level of interest. Remember, the user always has the option to close out the email upon consuming the hero. If they haven't backed out at this point, it's a great sign and a great opportunity to entice them to begin their journey.

However, this isn't the place for lengthy narratives. The companion should provide just enough information to entice the user to click through to a landing page for the full experience. Every email should have a clear action that it drives the user towards, without overwhelming them with content.

3 Secondary message

The secondary message acts as a backup plan, targeting users who might not be interested in the primary message but have demonstrated enough interest to 'browse' your email for more information. This section is usually concise, formatted as cards or multi-column blocks of content, and offers an alternative path to the main journey proposed in the hero section. Visually, it's intentionally designed to appear as a separate block of content compared to the visual layout of the primary content.

For instance, the email associated with this article summarizes this article (serving as the primary message) and it also includes alternatives by presenting summaries for two other articles. This approach is designed to ensure that even if the recipient doesn't show interest in the primary message, they are not left without options. This allows users to explore other subjects that might align more closely with their interests. This strategy improves the likelihood of engagement by acknowledging and accommodating the diverse interests of the audience, ensuring that every recipient finds value in the communication, regardless of their initial interest in the primary message.

Don't fear CTA redundancy

The end of every email should feature a clear call to action. It's vital to never leave the user wondering, "What now?" The placement of CTAs is crucial — they should be visible without necessitating extra effort from the user to find them. Including multiple CTAs with the same destination throughout the email is not redundant; it's effective. Once a CTA scrolls off the screen, you're relying on the user to find the CTA again at a moment when the user may be demonstrating interest, which is not ideal. Easy access to the CTA means a smoother journey for the user.

Focus on the destination, not the email itself

Always remember that the primary purpose of a marketing email is to begin a journey. It's a tool to guide users to a destination — like a landing page — that tells the story more effectively and allows your analytics team to capture more engagement data than simple email open and click rates. This is why it's essential to swiftly transition the user from the email to their next step in the journey.

While composing an email, it's important to continually ask, "What is the destination of this journey?" If the goal is merely to present information, a destination-less email might suffice. However, if action is expected from the user — whether submitting a form or downloading resources — the quicker we can entice them to click through and leave the email, the better.

In conclusion...

To summarize... effective email marketing is an art that involves careful consideration of content, structure, and user experience. By understanding each component of an email — from the hero to the CTA — and by viewing emails as starting points rather than destinations, we can create more engaging and effective campaigns. Remember, the goal is to take users on a journey that extends far beyond the confines of their inbox.

If you're interested in exploring these strategies further or discussing how they can be applied to your marketing efforts, feel free to reach out. Let's embark on this journey together, crafting emails that not only capture attention but also inspire action.

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