Embracing failure: a roadmap to success

January 30, 2024 · minute read

We've all heard it said: "Don't be afraid to fail." But how often do we truly embrace this in our professional lives? The reality is, failure isn't just an inevitable part of trying new things; it's also a crucial stepping stone to success. Each time we take a risk and fail, we're presented with a unique opportunity to learn. This learning, in turn, propels us closer to our goals. Imagine this: with every attempt, even those that end in failure, we're actually reducing the odds of failing the next time. It's a bit like a game where each round makes you sharper, more adept.

The key lies in persistence. The more we venture out of our comfort zone, the more we stand to either succeed or fail. Success is fantastic, of course. But failure? That's our real teacher. It guides us, refines our strategies, and in many ways, points us closer to success than a smooth victory ever could.

The balance between perfection and progress

However, adopting a mindset that values failure as a learning tool isn't without its challenges, especially in a client-focused environment. Often, clients expect a perfect product right out of the gate. They're investing resources, after all, and the conventional view is that this investment should yield immediate, flawless results. This perspective can be problematic. If the expectation is solely on delivering a faultless product, any need for adjustments or pivots can be seen as a failure or, worse, as learning at the client's expense.

But what if we shifted the conversation from products to value? What if, instead of promising a perfect product, we focus on the ongoing process of delivering value through continuous learning and optimization? This approach allows us to collect data, make necessary adjustments, and enhance the product over time. The goal is not just to reach a destination but to ensure that the journey adds value at every step.

"Sooo... we need to tell the client that we F***'ed up?"

Let me share an example from our own experience. We were tasked with building an unbranded pharmaceutical website, with a signup form as a key success metric. After launch, we diligently collected data, not just on form completions but on every aspect of its performance. We discovered that one specific field had a significantly higher abandonment rate. Our team saw this as an opportunity for improvement, proposing to rephrase or remove the problematic field.

However, this insight was met with resistance. Our account manager, conditioned to expect perfection from the outset, perceived this as admitting a fault. They bluntly asked "sooo, we need to tell the client that we F***'ed up?" They failed to see that the data collection was not just a means to validate our work but a tool to refine and improve it. Unfortunately, since the entire budget was allocated for execution with no room for post-launch optimization, our hands were tied. The valuable insights we gained couldn't be put to use, a classic case of a missed opportunity for improvement.

Prioritizing post-launch optimization

A key aspect of this value-driven approach is factoring in post-launch optimization right from the project's inception. This starts with setting the right expectations with the client. It's crucial to communicate that the job isn't completed once the site launches. Instead, a portion of the project's budget should be earmarked for post-launch activities. These activities include data collection, reporting, strategizing, and efforts to optimize based on our learnings.

By doing this, we shift away from the 'single swing' approach of product development and move towards a model that emphasizes calibration, learning, and a continuous drive towards delivering value. This approach not only helps in refining the product but also builds a stronger, more transparent relationship with the client. It shows that we are committed to not just delivering a product but ensuring its success and evolution over time.

Valuing adaptability and continuous improvement

It's imperative to set the stage with clients from the outset, making it clear that our goal is not just to deliver a product but to focus on delivering value. This value comes from learning and adjusting post-launch. To do this effectively, a portion of the budget must be reserved for post-launch adjustments. Otherwise, we're taking a single, blind swing at success, with no room for a second try if the first doesn't hit the mark.

In essence, embracing failure and learning from it isn't just about internal team growth; it's about setting the right expectations with clients and creating a framework that allows for continuous improvement and value delivery. We're not just building products; we're fostering relationships and experiences that grow and improve over time. If you're interested in discussing this philosophy further and exploring how it can benefit your projects, please don't hesitate to contact us. Let's learn, adapt, and succeed together.

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