Elevate your pharma banner ads with our specialized framework

Streamline pharma banner ad creation with our custom tool, ensuring quality, compliance, and efficiency in line with ISI and industry standards.

Streamlining banner development with the Hedgehox's Pharma Web Banner Framework

The Pharma Web Banner Framework is a state-of-the-art solution designed to transform the creation of pharmaceutical marketing banners. This framework is meticulously tailored to the unique demands and high standards of the pharmaceutical industry, enabling developers to build banners more efficiently while adhering to industry best practices. It streamlines the development process, allowing for quicker turnaround times without compromising on quality. This enhanced efficiency benefits not only developers but also quality assurance teams, providing an intuitive interface for ensuring that each banner meets the rigorous standards required in pharmaceutical marketing.

Key features of the Pharma Web Banner Framework include:

  • Tailored to address the unique challenges of pharmaceutical marketing.
  • Streamlines banner development for more efficient turnaround times.
  • Interface that aids quality assurance teams in meeting stringent industry requirements.
  • Preview panel for project managers and development teams to inspect keyframes and renderings.

A notable feature of our framework is the preview panel, an invaluable tool for project managers and development teams. This panel allows users to scrutinize renderings and content at keyframes, displaying Important Safety Information (ISI) rules like auto-scroll behaviors and delay timings. Such detailed insight is crucial in an industry where compliance and accuracy are of utmost importance. Moreover, the panel assists project managers by exposing the banner's ISI for screenshot purposes, thereby facilitating the routing and review process. This comprehensive framework is more than just a tool; it represents a significant advancement in pharmaceutical web banner development, streamlining processes and ensuring compliance and precision.

Empower your team with the right tools, and watch them transform problems into opportunities. The best tools are those that bring out the best in us.

Pharma tools and frameworks

Check out our other innovative tools and frameworks built specifically for the pharmaceutical marketing space.

Leverage our email design system as a fast-track 'factory' for assembling, routing, and releasing emails efficiently.
Our innovative tool automates the website screenshot process, enabling project managers to expedite routes and enhance quality.

Case Study: Innovative tools

Read about how our custom-built banner framework empowered a pharma agency to deliver 20 display ads at various sizes in under 24 hours.

  • Pharma agency faced an urgent client request for 20 display ads, with a strict deadline of under one week for production and review.
  • Project acceptance hinged on the ability to meet the aggressive deadline; failure to do so would result in passing on the job.
  • The team effectively leveraged our specialized banner framework to expedite the building, testing, and routing process for each banner size.
  • Efficiency of the framework enabled completion and preparation of all banner designs in less than 24 hours.
  • Achieved timely approval and release of all banners, meeting the client's stringent deadline.
  • The project manager highlighted our banner framework as the key factor in their ability to undertake and successfully execute the project under such tight constraints.
...or, check out our other case studies.

Innovative tools and workflows

Check out our other innovative tools and workflows that can help excellerate your marketing team.

We specialize in creating custom AI tools to enhance your team's digital capabilities and efficiency.
Discover how our automation solutions can streamline your workflow, enhancing both efficiency and quality.
We collaborate closely with your team to develop custom software solutions that align perfectly with your specific needs.
Learn how our pharma-focused email design system can accelerate your campaigns, blending speed with quality for optimal results

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